I received a link to an intriguing article a couple of weeks ago. It posed the question: Are you a doer or an achiever? My initial reaction was one of incredulity as I honestly thought these two concepts went hand in hand. Do you not have to be doer to be an achiever? Needless to say, it piqued my interest.
A doer is someone who focuses on the hours worked, that being busy equates to being successful. An achiever is someone who is more concerned about the significance of the tasks completed or hours worked. One of the main differences between an achiever and a doer is an achiever trusts others and surrounds themselves with an excellent team. In addition, achievers foster the important relationships they have built throughout their professional and personal lives. Overall, one can say that achievers see the bigger picture and leave a greater legacy.
As I thought about this distinction, the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) award winners came to mind. I can definitely say that the award winners of 2019 are all achievers. Each one
of them has made a significant difference in their field. Through the years, I have spoken to many of their colleagues and one thing they all have in common is that they have fostered important relationships and have built and surrounded themselves with great teams. It is a win-win for our winners and anyone else who crosses their path. Congratulations to our achievers!
I hope you will enjoy reading about our achievers and the many other timely articles found in this edition. Finally, as the New Year approaches, I have set a goal to become more of an achiever and not just a doer and I encourage everyone to surround yourselves with people who inspire you to achieve and see the big picture.
Wishing you all a Safe and Healthy Holiday Season!
Karla Monterrosa-Yancey, CAMS
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