Prosecuting Crypto Criminals, With the Justice Department’s Claudia Quiroz

Prosecuting Crypto Criminals, with the Justice Department’s Claudia Quiroz

In this episode of “Financial Crime Matters,” Kieran Beer talks with Claudia Quiroz, director of the National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team (NCET) at the U.S. Department of Justice.

Quiroz and Beer discuss the rise in cryptocurrency-enabled crime that necessitated NCET’s creation three years ago and the team’s subsequent efforts to prosecute cyber predators and seize the proceeds of their crimes. Serving as a dedicated nerve center staffed by crypto experts within the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of Justice, where Quiroz is deputy chief, NCET pursues a variety of frauds and scams, money laundering and other abuses of cryptocurrency. During their talk, Quiroz touches on some of NCET’s cases, including against “pig butchering,” which she points out often involves two victims: the individual who is defrauded and enslaved individuals forced perpetrate the fraud.

Click here to listen to the podcast.

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